1.1 . Russia before the revolution.
-Politician -> the scheme is Tsarism -> Zar absolute power.
- No parliament.
- No constitution.
- No separation of powers -> since the Tsar concentrated.
- Zar has all the power because:
- In support of the army.
- A Russian Orthodox Church.
- A bureaucracy.
- Economy:
- Agriculture:
- This very backward -> very low production.
- Ownership structure are large estates in the hands of some landowners -> landowner concentrated in few hands.
- Industry:
- In general it is not industrialized.
- There are small industrial sources.
- The little industry is in the hands of foreign capital , especially French.
- Society:
- There are a few who are noble -> are the landowners.
- Most Russians are in the 2nd regime bondage -> peasants are attached to the land , if they will have to pay after the minority who work in the industry have poor conditions and low pay long hours.
1.2 . The February revolution.
- Disaster of the First World War -> mobilized 15 million Russians were killed 5 million , most die from hunger, cold and disease.
- Economic Collapse -> young male population is at war thus decreased agricultural production and therefore increased food prices -> hunger and social unrest.
- Political Opposition to Tsarism fail social unrest caused by the economy and by the ravages of war and in February 1917 a revolution broke out.
- The revolution begins when people begin to ask -> food, end of the war and against the Czar.
- Occurs in the Winter Palace.
- The Tsar ordered the army to attack the people and the army refuses to obey and further support the protest and the Tsar was forced to abdicate , power passed to a provisional government.
- The interim government -> objectives are -> turn Russia into a democratic republic.
- The changes are very slow and political opposition to the government wants to make it fall . The main opposition comes from Russian Social Democratic party (PSD ) Marxist ideology. There are two schools within the party:
- Bolsheviks -> are the majority and are more radical.
- Mensheviks -> are a minority and less radical.
- The Bolsheviks exploit the situation remains the same and promote a new revolution -> the October Revolution.
1.3 . The October Revolution.
-On October 25, 1917 begins the revolution -> people head to the Winter Palace which is the seat of the Provisional Government -> end all detainees under Kerensky ( fleeing ).
- The power goes to power the Bolsheviks to impose a socialist government.
- The leader of the revolution is -> Lenin - > also has a very important role Trotsky who organized the revolution.
- Is a consummate socialist revolution and the first workers' government which is chaired by birth -> Lenin.
- Revolutionary measures - > will be:
- Expropriation of land for the church , nobility, monarchy and distribution among farmers.
- Expropriation of factories more than five workers and control workers.
- Nationalization of the banks.
- Signature of peace in Germany by the Treaty of Brest- Litousk , costing Russia the Baltic republics.
1.4 . The Civil War ( 1918-1821 ).
- Revolution not break Russia.
- Resistance:
- A part of the Tsarist army.
- Former privileged classes.
- The hostile powers - > France , Britain , USA , Japan.
- All these phenomena form a white army -> anti- revolution.
- Red - > Army in the revolution organized by Trotsky.
- During the war the pressure of the White Army , the Bolsheviks executed the entire Russian imperial family.
- Finally the Red Army achieved victory in 1921.
1.5. The NEP ( New Economic Policy ).
-End of the war -> Bolsheviks victory -> political leader Lenin.
- Lenin NEP begins :
- Objective -> increase production and improve the quality of life of the population.
- Consists of a mixed economic system Communist allowing private property.
- Results - > increased production and prices.
- Politico:
- Founding of USSR (CCCP ) -> Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
- Soviet -> Russia , Ukraine , Belarus ...
- Limited basic freedoms.
- Communist Party will split everything .
- Capital -> Moscow.
2.At the time of Stalin.
-Lenin dies -> power struggle between :
- Trotsky
- Stalin -> Victorious
- Stalin :
- Authoritarian and dictatorial regime , he owns all the power of the state and party .
- Objective -> turn the USSR into an industrial powerhouse -> invest all their efforts in Soviet heavy industry :
- Get the USSR becomes the second world power , will only be surpassed by USA .
- But not developed light industrial thing which will negatively affect the lives of the people.
- Agriculture - > a dramatic increase in production is achieved .
- All state-controlled economy .
- Prepares five year plan -> is a document that sets economic goals for 5 years.
- Oppression and repression -> anyone suspected of being dissident stops, and is judged most often sentenced to Siberia or death, are called estalonistas Struggles , victims were more than 3 million people.
- Conclusion of Stalinism :
- Economic level -> USSR impressive economic leap .
- Very large > - Human cost .
- In Stalin 's dictatorship of the proletariat became a dictatorship over the proletariat.
- System based personality cult of Stalin.
- Stalin -> in power until his death 1953.
****** Two types of industries:
- Heavy Industry -> producer goods or capital goods are those that make products for other industries that use them .
- Light industry - > consumer goods produced consumer products .
3.USA: the consolidation of a great power.
3.1 . The prosperity .
- During the 20s , USA economically growing like never before.
- Thanks to the first world war , USA will become the first world power .
- USA benefit from the First World War -> sold :
- Food Europe .
- Weapons to Europe.
- Industrial products to Europe.
- They make loans to Europe.
- After World War :
- USA the first world power
- Spectacular economic growth based on technical innovation and the spread of new forms of production -> are the assembly and Fordism .
- Fordism -> assembly further increase workers' wages .
- Assembly line -> got lower costs and increase productivity with which we can produce more products at a lower price. Increased wages of workers , increase the share of household income that can be devoted to consumption. Appears so the consumer society -> increases the band -> leads to increased consumption -> if we consume plus increased product demand -> increased production.
- In widespread use of new products :
- Appliances
- Telephone
- Automobile
- Expensive products -> hire purchase -> loans to banks - > indebted households .
- Manufacture and sale of cars -> stimulates :
- The iron and steel industry .
- The glass industry
- The pneumatic industry
- The industry masks
- The sale and distribution of fuel .
- This way of life based on mass consumption and debt is what is known as " American way of live ."
- Economic expansion -> brought a boom in the bag -> a speculative bubble is created.
3.2 . The 1929 crash and the Great Depression .
-10/24/1929 -> black Friday - > starts falling prices .
- The people panic and start selling stocks and shares still fall further .
- Banks fail because :
- The debtor can not pay back.
- Customers will withdraw their money .
- The banking crisis happens in agriculture industry and trade -> great depression originated.
- The Great Depression is characterized by - > a very large drop in consumption , unemployment, poverty...
- Do not use -> therefore no production -> therefore no work -> therefore more unemployment and more misery.
- The crisis spread throughout the world, particularly Western Europe .
- World trade will suffer a major recession .
3.3 . New Deal.
-In 1932 -> Roosevelt wins selections -> Democrat is -> and drives a new program to exit the crisis is the New Deal.
- Top New Deal measures :
- Proposes that the state has to control the banks.
- To create public enterprises
- Destruction of agricultural stocks.
- Plan for public works (roads , railways ..)
- Increase salary.
- Working time 40 hours a week.
- Consequences of the New Deal -> is going to be a decrease in number of unemployed and increased production levels.
- So the balance is positive - > New Deal helps overcome the crisis but still the U.S. economy will not recover fully until the outbreak of the Second World War.
4. Fascism.
4.1 . Features .
- Fascism -> this is auoritario , violent regime .
- Anti-democratic , anti-communist.
- Cons:
- A equality between citizens.
- A national sovereignty.
- A separation of powers .
- A freedom of expression, association , publication ..
- Al suffrage.
- A representative institutions.
- For - > state intervention in all areas of life (public / private ) of people .
- Defense autarky -> is economic self-sufficiency.
- There are charismatic leaders :
- Fürher
- Duce
- Caudillo
- Concentrate on your person all the powers and is head of state, government and military , single party and all around there is always a great scenery .
- They tend to be racists and xenophobes.
- Exalted and chauvinistic nationalism , think their country is the best and should be the first world economic power.
4.2 . Italian Fascism .
- Postwar Italy on one side :
- Economic problems -> increases the cost of living and wages have dropped a lot -> generates poverty and social unrest -> is shown by strikes and land occupations -> will generate concerns among owners.
- Political Issues -> big problem of government instability , constant change in government coalition political system , constitutional monarchy is Victor Emmanuel III .
- In this context of economic crisis and political rise of onset = Italian fascism .
- Benito Mussolini founds the " Fasci di combattimento " (1919).
- Confused ideology , it is a nationalist and populist movement .
- In 1921 creates the National Fascist Party.
- Programme of the match:
- Anti- Communist
- Build a strong state
- Expansionist foreign policy
- Very soon had many members and had the support of the conservatives :
- Employers
- Church
- Army
- Displays fascist squads -> make act of social violence against left, complicity -> Police and court.
- While political crisis -> constant change of government.
- Mussolini starts the " March on Rome " -> Mussolini was appointed prime minister in 1922.
- Between 1922 and 1924 :
- All laws -> on the restriction of freedoms.
- 1923 -> Mussolini made a new law -> who has 25% of votes has 67% of the seats.
- In 1924 the tomb was definitely dictatorship -> murder of Matteotti .
- Dictatorship :
- Eject the parliament all parties were not fascists.
- Outlawing all parties and unions that are not fascists.
- Omnipotent dictator ( Il duce ) is made
- A imprison opponents .
- Newspapers , radio and film -> all censored.
- Local authorities and regions - > chosen by the government among the most faithful members of fascism .
- Go to reconcile with the Catholic Church
- In economics, state control of industry and self-sufficiency goal.
- Partnering -> control all people, censorship of all media and indoctrination of society.
4.3 . German Nazism .
-End of the First World War -> to pay war reparations -> these repairs are very high, also has to pay war debts = will cause this economic crisis , hyperinflation causes depression -> impoverished middle classes poverty and unemployment.
- Politician - > end of the First World War -> ends the II Reich ( empire ) -> born Germany DEMOCRATIC republic known as the Weimar Republic .
- Society - > social unrest :
- For the crisis -> poverty and unemployment
- By the treaty received the victors .
4.3.2 . Hittler .
- Hittler is Austrian , excombatient of the First World War -> not accept defeat and the Treaty of Versailles .
- He joins NSDAP ( Nationalist Party of German Workers) .
- Minority Party
- Racist and xenophobic party.
- Anti-Communist , anti-Semitic , undemocratic.
- Defend violence and war -> natural selection process -> die and the strong survive dim .
- Hittler like Mussolini to create an entire symbology.
- Grey Shirt
- Swastika .
- Create a paramilitary force SA -> Assault section .
- Try a coup is " hit" of Munich -> Fail -> Hittler is arrested and sentenced .
- In prison writes " Meink Kumpf " -> Mein Kampf , where he outlined his ideology.
- Less price on democracy
- I hate communism
- Expresses Semitism -> blames Jews of German evils.
- Superiority of the Aryan race
- Aryan Race must submit to the inferior races .
- " Living Space " -> east of Europe is necessary
- We need to create a great German III Reich empire.
- Hitller the selections presented but gets great results.
- In 1924-1929 - > is relative economic calm.
- From 1929 -> Crack - > crisis in the German economy -> extremist political option will greatly increase the support of the population.
- Speech Hitller :
- Guilt - > Jews , communists and democratic .
- Promises -> work for all and good salary .
- 1932 -> get very good results
- 1933 -> President Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor .
- Causes of exit:
- Support:
- From the middle classes (workers, peasants )
- Bourgeoisie
- Army
- Financing of large fortunes -> Thyssen .
4.3.3 . The Nazi dictatorship .
- Political point :
- 1933 -> Hittler announces new selections.
- During the campaign :
- Grey Shirts - > spread terror .
- Fire Reichstag (parliament ) -> Hittler blame Communists and the excuse for ilegalizarlos to suppress individual freedoms , suppresses legal safeguards and restores the death penalty .
- Hittler but fails to win an absolute majority , but the game launched - > is called Chancellor parliament gives full powers.
- Die Hindenburg -> Hittler president renamed Führer.
- Night of the Long Knives -> doubt the SA and kills more than 300 .
- In a few months establishing a dictatorship.
- Matches outlawed , only one party ( Nazi )
- There is no union , there is only one FTA ( German Labour Front )
- Freedoms abolished
- No parliament
- No separation of power
- The officer is debugged.
- The state controls the public / private lives of all Germans.
- Unitary and centralized state.
- It will be controlled by two police forces :
- SS
- Gestapo.
- Social point:
- Full control of public life / private
- Indoctrination especially young people :
- Education system
- Hitler Youth .
- Women are relieved to cook, the children and the church.
- Thread of racial purity:
- We must ensure Aryan purity , not mixed with inferior races .
- We must protect not play, even if sterilization of the Aryans have mental illnesses ...
- Persecution of Jews -> scapegoat , blamed for every misfortune of the Germans.
- Censorship all levels -> intellectual, artistic , media -> supports only those that are loyal to the regime , persecuted or other leave.
- You can not organize an anti-Nazi opposition.
- Secular regime , the two churches are Catholic and luterantes .
- Economic point:
- Objective -> autarky.
-> That was the weapon - Economic policy , heavy industry was developed.
- Building infrastructure -> public works.
- With this policy Germany becomes the second world power .
4.4 . The project of Hitler.
-Want to create a new international order based on the German rule .
- First step is to build the Third Reich -> are all German-speaking territories .
- Second step , make the living space -> are territories that are inhabited by slaves ( Poland) will have to work for the Aryans.
- Third step , destruction of Judaism and communism.
- The end , the German army rule the world being maximum competitor to USA .
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