1.1. A stately agriculture.
-The most important economic sector is agriculture.
-Subsistence -> production of own consumption.
-Three-year-fallow rotation.

1. Cereal primavera.
2. Cereal fall.
3. Fallow.
-A slight majority for production and consumption.
-Slight specialization.
-Is the major cereal crops.
-Periodically subsistence crisis = hunger and mortality.
-Land is owned by the lords (nobles, clergy ..).
-They pay rents to their lords.
-Pay tithe to the church.
-Pay taxes to the king.
-They have to work for free demesne lands.
-Must go to war if Mr. sends
1.2. An absolute monarchy.
-Absolutism means that the king has absolute power over everything and everyone.
-Monarchy of divine right.
-Concentrates all powers.
-Sovereignty is the king.
-The king is advised by state council.
-There parliament convenes but only when you need money.
1.3. Stratified society.
-It is based on inequality between people.
-There is little social mobility.
-5% of the population are → the king, nobles and high clergy
- 95% of the population are → bourgeoisie, lower clergy, popular and peasant classes.
-Nobility and high clergy.
-They own most of the land.
-They charge rents.
-Don't pay taxes.
-Occupy all charges.
-They are honorable and economic concessions.
-The clergy charged tithing.
-No privileged:
-Lower clergy → live modestly.
-Improve economically through trade.
-They are rich but they have political power or influence.
-Pay taxes.
-Popular classes:
-Pay royal and local taxes.
-Harsh living conditions.
-Pay taxes to the king, lord and church.
-The majority of the population.
-Harsh living conditions.
2. Economic expansion of the eighteenth century.
-Eighteenth century:
-There is international peace.
-No major epidemics.
-Introduction of new productive crops such as potatoes and corn.
-Increases population.
-With increasing population increases the demand → product → increases production increases profits → economic stimulus.
-Increase in local and colonial trade.
-Profitable colonial trade → Europe sells processed and luxury → purchase agricultural products = highest profit.
-Triangular Trade.
3. Illustration.
-Intellectual movement that has given Europe in the eighteenth century.
-Question all the principles of the old regime.
-Principles of illustration:
- Absolute faith in reason.
-They believe that all people are born equal.
-They think that human life is to be happy.
-They think that science and progress has help us be happy.
-Reject religious intolerance and superiority of any religion.
-Defend freedom of conscience of each.
-Respect nature.
-Reject the stratified society and absolutism.
-Defend economic freedom and national sovereignty.
3.1. The political thought.
-New political doctrine liberalism.
-Defend the separation of powers.
-Legislative branch makes the laws → parliament.
-Executive branch enforces the laws → Prime Minister's ministers.
-Judiciary → causes → Judges and law courts met.
-Principles of national sovereignty:
-The power comes from the people.
-The people express their will through the ballot.
-The vote should be free and secret.
-Tax System → all charged.
3.2. Economic Thought.
-Defend physiocracy.
-Before illustration mainstream economics was mercantilism.
-Physiocracy defends:
-Accumulation of precious metals as a source of wealth.
-Free trade and price.
-Free competition.
-Private property.
-Freedom of the industry.
3.3. The encyclopedia.
-Try to collect all the knowledge of the time → mathematics, nature ...
-The early Enlightenment thinkers:
-Montesquien → separation of powers.
-Roussean → national sovereignty.
-Votaire → tax system.
-Diderot → encyclopedia.
3.4. The enlightened despotism.
-Some monarchs tried to make reforms applying the principles of progress and modernity illustration without losing any power, is what we call enlightened despotism.
-Improvements are introduced for the people but that it can decide anything.
-Improvement of enlightened despotism:
-Streamlining state management.
-Reforms of education.
-Construction of roads, canals ...
-Freed in part production and trade.
-Modernization of agriculture.
-They want to reform the economy without giving up the privileges and the absolute power.
-Causes liberal revolutions.
-Some enlightened despots:
-Carlos III of Spain.
-Frederick II of Prussia.
-Catherine of Russia.
4. The limited power of monarchy.
-Des actual average age power limited by parliament.
-English Parliament, 2 cambras :
-Lords -> nobles and clergy .
-Common → bourgeois chosen censatario suffrage.
-Parliament has legislative power over taxes and war.
- XVII Century new Stuart dynasty intended to be absolute king → civil war → beheaded king republic.
-Oliver Cromwell makes Republic → military dictatorship.
-Death Cromwell parliament reinstall monarchy → Carlos II.
-Carlos II forced to sign " Habeas Corpus " → text that prevents the king absolute power.
-Carlos II wants more power → off → 2nd revolution Stuart and new dynasty → Orange → swear " Bill of the Rigths " → document limiting royal power and subjected some real decisions in parliament.
-Results → England 1st country :
-To monarchy limited.
-Separation of the three powers (legislative, executive and judicial ) .
-Ensures individual freedom.
5. The eighteenth century in Spain.
5.1. War of succession.
-Charles II of Austria dies without descending.
-Two candidates for the throne:
-Archduke Charles of Austria.
-Felipe de Borbón.
-No agreement → war of succession.
-Two sides:
-Charles of Austria:
-International -> UK, Netherlands, Portugal and the Austrian Empire.
-In Spain -> Crown of Aragon.
-Felipe de Borbón:
-International -> France.
-In Spain -> Castilla.
-Carlos inherits the Austrian Empire.
-European Powers → Utrecht Treaty fold.
-War continues nationwide.
-1714 → win of the Bourbon troops.
-Succession War of 1701-1714.
5.2. Absolutism and centralism.
-Bourbon = absolutism.
-Cuts virtually nullified.
-Impose → centralism and uniformity.
-New management → Castilian model imposed by decree new plant:
-Territory divided into provinces.
-At the head of each province → General Captain.
-Justice → manage audiences.
-Areas → governed magistrates.
-Tax → raise mayors.
5.3. Bourbon reformism.
-Illustration in Spain little expansion.
-At the reign of Carlos III → supports Spanish Enlightenment and begin a program of reforms to improve education, the economy ...
-Major reforms:
-Create new schools.
-Impose royal authority over the church.
-Liberalize wheat prices.
-Free trade with America.
-Overall eighteenth century Spain:
-Significant increase in population.
-Increased agricultural production.
-Modernisation of trade → creations colonial trading companies trading products.
-Industrial Modernization → Creating articles.
-Tariffs to protect the industry.
-No industrial development for poverty of the peasants.
6. The American Revolution:
-Eighteenth century on the East Coast (now USA) → were 13 English colonies .
-Colonists demanding independence because:
- Britain does pay a lot of taxes .
-Britain has commercial monopoly and therefore are forced to trade.
-Arrive Enlightenment ideas → freedom and equality.
-They have no representation on the British parliament.
-April 7 de1766 → the declaration of independence occurs USA .
-1766 to 1783 → war of independence.
-Settlers → aided by France and Spain → commanded by George Washington.
-1783 → Great Britain recognized the independence of USA → Versailles Peace .
-Birth of a new state → United States :
-1st president George Washington.
- New state → political liberalism :
-National sovereignty.
-Separation of powers.
- Single Freedom .
-Separation church / state.
-Constitution → law → law guarantees the right and freedoms of all citizens.
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