1. Introduction.
- The 1939-1945.
- Triggered by Nazi expansionism .
- Ends the dropping of the atomic bombs (USA to Japan ) .
- Germany lost.
- Millions of material and human losses .
- Attacks on civilians.
2. Causes of conflict.
- At the end of the First World War -> Treaty of Versailles - > which considers the guilty Germans, who are punished , humiliation, hatred and revenge.
- Economic crisis after the crash of 29 , favors the rise of fascism ( foreign policy expansionism rearmament of Italy and Germany ) .
- Weakness of the Western democracies .
3. The Road to War.
- Germany :
- Repeatedly Vulnera the Versailles Treaty without the society of nations can do nothing to stop it. as follows:
- Ranked melt Austria and Germany that Ansclues .
- Reset Rhine .
- It establishes conscription.
- Democracies :
- Do not react because:
- In democracies no internal political division .
- Because they think Hittler stop when it reaches the German unification.
- In any case Britain intensifies war industry (ships and warplanes ) and to incorporate new technologies such as radar .
- Italy:
- Similar policy in Germany , occupies Ethiopia , Libya and Albania.
- Japan :
- Imperialist policy .
- You want your living space to be eastern Asia.
- Occupies part of China.
- Covenants :
- Germany and Italy :
- Signature 1936 - > Rome - Berlin Axis .
- In 1939 -> Pact of Steel .
- Germany and Japan -> sign the pact Anticomitern (against the USSR).
- Germany and the USSR -> German pact.
- The trigger :
- 1 - Sep 1939 - > Hittler invades Poland , Britain and France declared war .
4. The development of the war (1939-1945 ) .
- Step 1 -> blitzkrieg .
- Strategy is Hittler blitzkrieg , ie , a fast attack and surprise the enemy using in combination the passing game more tanks ( panzers ) .
- Objective -> win the war quickly with the destruction of the enemy.
- Occupation of Poland
- After rapidly occupying Denmark and Norway, Britain fails to do anything about it , causing a crisis of governance and the creation of a national unity government -> President Winston Churchill
- In 1940 , the occupation occurs within 48 hours of the Netherlands and Belgium, the next step is the occupation of France . The French occupation anticipated possible , reinforce the Maginot Line on the border with Germany. Within hours the German army enters Belgium (to the north ) where the French were not expecting . On June 14 fall in Paris , a few days ago , Italy had entered the war on the side of the Germans, the Germans divided France into two zones :
- German Domain Direct (north).
- While the south - > put a collaborationist Vichy government equity .
- While the French government from England called the French resistance against the Germans.
- 2nd stage -> Battle of Britain to Stalingrad .
- Next target Hittler -> UK .
- It will launch the next offensive is known as -> Battle of Britain .
- Massive air attack on the British ports and major cities -> resist .
- New offensive -> Battle of the Atlantic .
- Consists of a naval blockade of the British Isles -> resist .
- War in the Desert - > is the German offensive in North Arica:
- General Rommel is who will run the offense .
- Get control of North Africa.
- At the same time - > Hungary , Romania , Bulgaria and Slovenia -> become satellite states .
- Yugoslavia resists -> bombed and invaded , as a state and disappears Hittler launches blitzkrieg on Greece , Greece falls , invades Hittler .
- In 1941 -> a new offensive -> Operation Barbarossa -> to invade the USSR.
- Has three sources :
- Leningrad - > withstands a siege of two years.
- Moscow -> Soviets stop the Germans at the gates .
- Stalingrad -> 1943 is the 1st Nazi defeat .
- War in the Pacific :
- 1941 Japanese attack on the U.S. naval base, without notice of hostility in the Pacific from Pearl Harbour - > USA enters the war by the Allies.
- Japan :
- Army is very prepared , disciplined and technologically advanced.
- They Kamikazes .
- Until 1943 the Japanese advance is unstoppable , from the Battle of Guadalcanal in this year , begins a slow but steady Allied advance .
- 3rd stage -> Allied victory .
- From 1943 changes the course of the war, the Allied offensive begins , this offense is asked:
- Soviet -> move from the East to the West , towards Berlin .
- Anglo American troops :
- Normandy Landings in France , moving eastwards towards Germany
- Moreover enter through the Mediterranean , some head to North Africa and elsewhere in Sicily , enter the Italian peninsula and move from south to north.
- Progress is unstoppable ally commits suicide shortly after Hittler May 1945 and ending the war in Europe to Allied victory .
- War in the Pacific :
- Americans will make massive bombing of Japanese civilians - > Target -> city.
- Japanese have much resistance -> very slow progress .
- Death of President Roosevelt, President Truman again -> this argues that war can be extended much and cause many casualties, decided to use a new , deadly weapon and the effects it may cause was unknown -> the atomic bomb.
- Tiran 2 pumps into two major industrial cities - > Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- On September 2, 1945 the Japanese surrender was signed , World War II is over.
5. Consequences .
- Demographic :
- Killed over 50 million people , most of these people are not military , are civilians.
- The countries that loss is the USSR , Poland and Germany , these 50 million have to augment a number not quantified , are the victims of the atomic bomb that killed directly or indirectly from radiation , plus all the people who died from poor nutrition or diseases .
- Economics :
- Europe is devastated :
- Towns and cities razed .
- All infrastructure destroyed.
- The whole industry destroyed.
- Therefore implies a very significant decrease in European production capacity .
- Countries not in conflict -> increase their wealth .
- In Europe, the economic situation is critical , the state has no money , people do not have homes or jobs, no inflation , at times the state intervenes in the economy to sort the situation and the basis of the welfare state focuses - > the state satisfies the basic needs of individuals such guarantees all citizens access to education, health, social services , pensions ...
martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013
The Second World War
atomic bomb,
Nazi dictatorship,
Normandy landings,
Pact of Steel,
tratrado Versailles,
war on peaceful Hittler,
jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013
The interwar period (1919-1939)
1. The Russian Revolution.
1.1 . Russia before the revolution.
-Politician -> the scheme is Tsarism -> Zar absolute power.
- No parliament.
- No constitution.
- No separation of powers -> since the Tsar concentrated.
- Zar has all the power because:
- In support of the army.
- A Russian Orthodox Church.
- A bureaucracy.
- Economy:
- Agriculture:
- This very backward -> very low production.
- Ownership structure are large estates in the hands of some landowners -> landowner concentrated in few hands.
- Industry:
- In general it is not industrialized.
- There are small industrial sources.
- The little industry is in the hands of foreign capital , especially French.
- Society:
- There are a few who are noble -> are the landowners.
- Most Russians are in the 2nd regime bondage -> peasants are attached to the land , if they will have to pay after the minority who work in the industry have poor conditions and low pay long hours.
1.2 . The February revolution.
- Disaster of the First World War -> mobilized 15 million Russians were killed 5 million , most die from hunger, cold and disease.
- Economic Collapse -> young male population is at war thus decreased agricultural production and therefore increased food prices -> hunger and social unrest.
- Political Opposition to Tsarism fail social unrest caused by the economy and by the ravages of war and in February 1917 a revolution broke out.
- The revolution begins when people begin to ask -> food, end of the war and against the Czar.
- Occurs in the Winter Palace.
- The Tsar ordered the army to attack the people and the army refuses to obey and further support the protest and the Tsar was forced to abdicate , power passed to a provisional government.
- The interim government -> objectives are -> turn Russia into a democratic republic.
- The changes are very slow and political opposition to the government wants to make it fall . The main opposition comes from Russian Social Democratic party (PSD ) Marxist ideology. There are two schools within the party:
- Bolsheviks -> are the majority and are more radical.
- Mensheviks -> are a minority and less radical.
- The Bolsheviks exploit the situation remains the same and promote a new revolution -> the October Revolution.
1.3 . The October Revolution.
-On October 25, 1917 begins the revolution -> people head to the Winter Palace which is the seat of the Provisional Government -> end all detainees under Kerensky ( fleeing ).
- The power goes to power the Bolsheviks to impose a socialist government.
- The leader of the revolution is -> Lenin - > also has a very important role Trotsky who organized the revolution.
- Is a consummate socialist revolution and the first workers' government which is chaired by birth -> Lenin.
- Revolutionary measures - > will be:
- Expropriation of land for the church , nobility, monarchy and distribution among farmers.
- Expropriation of factories more than five workers and control workers.
- Nationalization of the banks.
- Signature of peace in Germany by the Treaty of Brest- Litousk , costing Russia the Baltic republics.
1.4 . The Civil War ( 1918-1821 ).
- Revolution not break Russia.
- Resistance:
- A part of the Tsarist army.
- Former privileged classes.
- The hostile powers - > France , Britain , USA , Japan.
- All these phenomena form a white army -> anti- revolution.
- Red - > Army in the revolution organized by Trotsky.
- During the war the pressure of the White Army , the Bolsheviks executed the entire Russian imperial family.
- Finally the Red Army achieved victory in 1921.
1.5. The NEP ( New Economic Policy ).
-End of the war -> Bolsheviks victory -> political leader Lenin.
- Lenin NEP begins :
- Objective -> increase production and improve the quality of life of the population.
- Consists of a mixed economic system Communist allowing private property.
- Results - > increased production and prices.
- Politico:
- Founding of USSR (CCCP ) -> Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
- Soviet -> Russia , Ukraine , Belarus ...
- Limited basic freedoms.
- Communist Party will split everything .
- Capital -> Moscow.
2.At the time of Stalin.
-Lenin dies -> power struggle between :
- Trotsky
- Stalin -> Victorious
- Stalin :
- Authoritarian and dictatorial regime , he owns all the power of the state and party .
- Objective -> turn the USSR into an industrial powerhouse -> invest all their efforts in Soviet heavy industry :
- Get the USSR becomes the second world power , will only be surpassed by USA .
- But not developed light industrial thing which will negatively affect the lives of the people.
- Agriculture - > a dramatic increase in production is achieved .
- All state-controlled economy .
- Prepares five year plan -> is a document that sets economic goals for 5 years.
- Oppression and repression -> anyone suspected of being dissident stops, and is judged most often sentenced to Siberia or death, are called estalonistas Struggles , victims were more than 3 million people.
- Conclusion of Stalinism :
- Economic level -> USSR impressive economic leap .
- Very large > - Human cost .
- In Stalin 's dictatorship of the proletariat became a dictatorship over the proletariat.
- System based personality cult of Stalin.
- Stalin -> in power until his death 1953.
****** Two types of industries:
- Heavy Industry -> producer goods or capital goods are those that make products for other industries that use them .
- Light industry - > consumer goods produced consumer products .
3.USA: the consolidation of a great power.
3.1 . The prosperity .
- During the 20s , USA economically growing like never before.
- Thanks to the first world war , USA will become the first world power .
- USA benefit from the First World War -> sold :
- Food Europe .
- Weapons to Europe.
- Industrial products to Europe.
- They make loans to Europe.
- After World War :
- USA the first world power
- Spectacular economic growth based on technical innovation and the spread of new forms of production -> are the assembly and Fordism .
- Fordism -> assembly further increase workers' wages .
- Assembly line -> got lower costs and increase productivity with which we can produce more products at a lower price. Increased wages of workers , increase the share of household income that can be devoted to consumption. Appears so the consumer society -> increases the band -> leads to increased consumption -> if we consume plus increased product demand -> increased production.
- In widespread use of new products :
- Appliances
- Telephone
- Automobile
- Expensive products -> hire purchase -> loans to banks - > indebted households .
- Manufacture and sale of cars -> stimulates :
- The iron and steel industry .
- The glass industry
- The pneumatic industry
- The industry masks
- The sale and distribution of fuel .
- This way of life based on mass consumption and debt is what is known as " American way of live ."
- Economic expansion -> brought a boom in the bag -> a speculative bubble is created.
3.2 . The 1929 crash and the Great Depression .
-10/24/1929 -> black Friday - > starts falling prices .
- The people panic and start selling stocks and shares still fall further .
- Banks fail because :
- The debtor can not pay back.
- Customers will withdraw their money .
- The banking crisis happens in agriculture industry and trade -> great depression originated.
- The Great Depression is characterized by - > a very large drop in consumption , unemployment, poverty...
- Do not use -> therefore no production -> therefore no work -> therefore more unemployment and more misery.
- The crisis spread throughout the world, particularly Western Europe .
- World trade will suffer a major recession .
3.3 . New Deal.
-In 1932 -> Roosevelt wins selections -> Democrat is -> and drives a new program to exit the crisis is the New Deal.
- Top New Deal measures :
- Proposes that the state has to control the banks.
- To create public enterprises
- Destruction of agricultural stocks.
- Plan for public works (roads , railways ..)
- Increase salary.
- Working time 40 hours a week.
- Consequences of the New Deal -> is going to be a decrease in number of unemployed and increased production levels.
- So the balance is positive - > New Deal helps overcome the crisis but still the U.S. economy will not recover fully until the outbreak of the Second World War.
4. Fascism.
4.1 . Features .
- Fascism -> this is auoritario , violent regime .
- Anti-democratic , anti-communist.
- Cons:
- A equality between citizens.
- A national sovereignty.
- A separation of powers .
- A freedom of expression, association , publication ..
- Al suffrage.
- A representative institutions.
- For - > state intervention in all areas of life (public / private ) of people .
- Defense autarky -> is economic self-sufficiency.
- There are charismatic leaders :
- Fürher
- Duce
- Caudillo
- Concentrate on your person all the powers and is head of state, government and military , single party and all around there is always a great scenery .
- They tend to be racists and xenophobes.
- Exalted and chauvinistic nationalism , think their country is the best and should be the first world economic power.
4.2 . Italian Fascism .
- Postwar Italy on one side :
- Economic problems -> increases the cost of living and wages have dropped a lot -> generates poverty and social unrest -> is shown by strikes and land occupations -> will generate concerns among owners.
- Political Issues -> big problem of government instability , constant change in government coalition political system , constitutional monarchy is Victor Emmanuel III .
- In this context of economic crisis and political rise of onset = Italian fascism .
- Benito Mussolini founds the " Fasci di combattimento " (1919).
- Confused ideology , it is a nationalist and populist movement .
- In 1921 creates the National Fascist Party.
- Programme of the match:
- Anti- Communist
- Build a strong state
- Expansionist foreign policy
- Very soon had many members and had the support of the conservatives :
- Employers
- Church
- Army
- Displays fascist squads -> make act of social violence against left, complicity -> Police and court.
- While political crisis -> constant change of government.
- Mussolini starts the " March on Rome " -> Mussolini was appointed prime minister in 1922.
- Between 1922 and 1924 :
- All laws -> on the restriction of freedoms.
- 1923 -> Mussolini made a new law -> who has 25% of votes has 67% of the seats.
- In 1924 the tomb was definitely dictatorship -> murder of Matteotti .
- Dictatorship :
- Eject the parliament all parties were not fascists.
- Outlawing all parties and unions that are not fascists.
- Omnipotent dictator ( Il duce ) is made
- A imprison opponents .
- Newspapers , radio and film -> all censored.
- Local authorities and regions - > chosen by the government among the most faithful members of fascism .
- Go to reconcile with the Catholic Church
- In economics, state control of industry and self-sufficiency goal.
- Partnering -> control all people, censorship of all media and indoctrination of society.
4.3 . German Nazism .
-End of the First World War -> to pay war reparations -> these repairs are very high, also has to pay war debts = will cause this economic crisis , hyperinflation causes depression -> impoverished middle classes poverty and unemployment.
- Politician - > end of the First World War -> ends the II Reich ( empire ) -> born Germany DEMOCRATIC republic known as the Weimar Republic .
- Society - > social unrest :
- For the crisis -> poverty and unemployment
- By the treaty received the victors .
4.3.2 . Hittler .
- Hittler is Austrian , excombatient of the First World War -> not accept defeat and the Treaty of Versailles .
- He joins NSDAP ( Nationalist Party of German Workers) .
- Minority Party
- Racist and xenophobic party.
- Anti-Communist , anti-Semitic , undemocratic.
- Defend violence and war -> natural selection process -> die and the strong survive dim .
- Hittler like Mussolini to create an entire symbology.
- Grey Shirt
- Swastika .
- Create a paramilitary force SA -> Assault section .
- Try a coup is " hit" of Munich -> Fail -> Hittler is arrested and sentenced .
- In prison writes " Meink Kumpf " -> Mein Kampf , where he outlined his ideology.
- Less price on democracy
- I hate communism
- Expresses Semitism -> blames Jews of German evils.
- Superiority of the Aryan race
- Aryan Race must submit to the inferior races .
- " Living Space " -> east of Europe is necessary
- We need to create a great German III Reich empire.
- Hitller the selections presented but gets great results.
- In 1924-1929 - > is relative economic calm.
- From 1929 -> Crack - > crisis in the German economy -> extremist political option will greatly increase the support of the population.
- Speech Hitller :
- Guilt - > Jews , communists and democratic .
- Promises -> work for all and good salary .
- 1932 -> get very good results
- 1933 -> President Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor .
- Causes of exit:
- Support:
- From the middle classes (workers, peasants )
- Bourgeoisie
- Army
- Financing of large fortunes -> Thyssen .
4.3.3 . The Nazi dictatorship .
- Political point :
- 1933 -> Hittler announces new selections.
- During the campaign :
- Grey Shirts - > spread terror .
- Fire Reichstag (parliament ) -> Hittler blame Communists and the excuse for ilegalizarlos to suppress individual freedoms , suppresses legal safeguards and restores the death penalty .
- Hittler but fails to win an absolute majority , but the game launched - > is called Chancellor parliament gives full powers.
- Die Hindenburg -> Hittler president renamed Führer.
- Night of the Long Knives -> doubt the SA and kills more than 300 .
- In a few months establishing a dictatorship.
- Matches outlawed , only one party ( Nazi )
- There is no union , there is only one FTA ( German Labour Front )
- Freedoms abolished
- No parliament
- No separation of power
- The officer is debugged.
- The state controls the public / private lives of all Germans.
- Unitary and centralized state.
- It will be controlled by two police forces :
- SS
- Gestapo.
- Social point:
- Full control of public life / private
- Indoctrination especially young people :
- Education system
- Hitler Youth .
- Women are relieved to cook, the children and the church.
- Thread of racial purity:
- We must ensure Aryan purity , not mixed with inferior races .
- We must protect not play, even if sterilization of the Aryans have mental illnesses ...
- Persecution of Jews -> scapegoat , blamed for every misfortune of the Germans.
- Censorship all levels -> intellectual, artistic , media -> supports only those that are loyal to the regime , persecuted or other leave.
- You can not organize an anti-Nazi opposition.
- Secular regime , the two churches are Catholic and luterantes .
- Economic point:
- Objective -> autarky.
-> That was the weapon - Economic policy , heavy industry was developed.
- Building infrastructure -> public works.
- With this policy Germany becomes the second world power .
4.4 . The project of Hitler.
1.1 . Russia before the revolution.
-Politician -> the scheme is Tsarism -> Zar absolute power.
- No parliament.
- No constitution.
- No separation of powers -> since the Tsar concentrated.
- Zar has all the power because:
- In support of the army.
- A Russian Orthodox Church.
- A bureaucracy.
- Economy:
- Agriculture:
- This very backward -> very low production.
- Ownership structure are large estates in the hands of some landowners -> landowner concentrated in few hands.
- Industry:
- In general it is not industrialized.
- There are small industrial sources.
- The little industry is in the hands of foreign capital , especially French.
- Society:
- There are a few who are noble -> are the landowners.
- Most Russians are in the 2nd regime bondage -> peasants are attached to the land , if they will have to pay after the minority who work in the industry have poor conditions and low pay long hours.
1.2 . The February revolution.
- Disaster of the First World War -> mobilized 15 million Russians were killed 5 million , most die from hunger, cold and disease.
- Economic Collapse -> young male population is at war thus decreased agricultural production and therefore increased food prices -> hunger and social unrest.
- Political Opposition to Tsarism fail social unrest caused by the economy and by the ravages of war and in February 1917 a revolution broke out.
- The revolution begins when people begin to ask -> food, end of the war and against the Czar.
- Occurs in the Winter Palace.
- The Tsar ordered the army to attack the people and the army refuses to obey and further support the protest and the Tsar was forced to abdicate , power passed to a provisional government.
- The interim government -> objectives are -> turn Russia into a democratic republic.
- The changes are very slow and political opposition to the government wants to make it fall . The main opposition comes from Russian Social Democratic party (PSD ) Marxist ideology. There are two schools within the party:
- Bolsheviks -> are the majority and are more radical.
- Mensheviks -> are a minority and less radical.
- The Bolsheviks exploit the situation remains the same and promote a new revolution -> the October Revolution.
1.3 . The October Revolution.
-On October 25, 1917 begins the revolution -> people head to the Winter Palace which is the seat of the Provisional Government -> end all detainees under Kerensky ( fleeing ).
- The power goes to power the Bolsheviks to impose a socialist government.
- The leader of the revolution is -> Lenin - > also has a very important role Trotsky who organized the revolution.
- Is a consummate socialist revolution and the first workers' government which is chaired by birth -> Lenin.
- Revolutionary measures - > will be:
- Expropriation of land for the church , nobility, monarchy and distribution among farmers.
- Expropriation of factories more than five workers and control workers.
- Nationalization of the banks.
- Signature of peace in Germany by the Treaty of Brest- Litousk , costing Russia the Baltic republics.
1.4 . The Civil War ( 1918-1821 ).
- Revolution not break Russia.
- Resistance:
- A part of the Tsarist army.
- Former privileged classes.
- The hostile powers - > France , Britain , USA , Japan.
- All these phenomena form a white army -> anti- revolution.
- Red - > Army in the revolution organized by Trotsky.
- During the war the pressure of the White Army , the Bolsheviks executed the entire Russian imperial family.
- Finally the Red Army achieved victory in 1921.
1.5. The NEP ( New Economic Policy ).
-End of the war -> Bolsheviks victory -> political leader Lenin.
- Lenin NEP begins :
- Objective -> increase production and improve the quality of life of the population.
- Consists of a mixed economic system Communist allowing private property.
- Results - > increased production and prices.
- Politico:
- Founding of USSR (CCCP ) -> Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
- Soviet -> Russia , Ukraine , Belarus ...
- Limited basic freedoms.
- Communist Party will split everything .
- Capital -> Moscow.
2.At the time of Stalin.
-Lenin dies -> power struggle between :
- Trotsky
- Stalin -> Victorious
- Stalin :
- Authoritarian and dictatorial regime , he owns all the power of the state and party .
- Objective -> turn the USSR into an industrial powerhouse -> invest all their efforts in Soviet heavy industry :
- Get the USSR becomes the second world power , will only be surpassed by USA .
- But not developed light industrial thing which will negatively affect the lives of the people.
- Agriculture - > a dramatic increase in production is achieved .
- All state-controlled economy .
- Prepares five year plan -> is a document that sets economic goals for 5 years.
- Oppression and repression -> anyone suspected of being dissident stops, and is judged most often sentenced to Siberia or death, are called estalonistas Struggles , victims were more than 3 million people.
- Conclusion of Stalinism :
- Economic level -> USSR impressive economic leap .
- Very large > - Human cost .
- In Stalin 's dictatorship of the proletariat became a dictatorship over the proletariat.
- System based personality cult of Stalin.
- Stalin -> in power until his death 1953.
****** Two types of industries:
- Heavy Industry -> producer goods or capital goods are those that make products for other industries that use them .
- Light industry - > consumer goods produced consumer products .
3.USA: the consolidation of a great power.
3.1 . The prosperity .
- During the 20s , USA economically growing like never before.
- Thanks to the first world war , USA will become the first world power .
- USA benefit from the First World War -> sold :
- Food Europe .
- Weapons to Europe.
- Industrial products to Europe.
- They make loans to Europe.
- After World War :
- USA the first world power
- Spectacular economic growth based on technical innovation and the spread of new forms of production -> are the assembly and Fordism .
- Fordism -> assembly further increase workers' wages .
- Assembly line -> got lower costs and increase productivity with which we can produce more products at a lower price. Increased wages of workers , increase the share of household income that can be devoted to consumption. Appears so the consumer society -> increases the band -> leads to increased consumption -> if we consume plus increased product demand -> increased production.
- In widespread use of new products :
- Appliances
- Telephone
- Automobile
- Expensive products -> hire purchase -> loans to banks - > indebted households .
- Manufacture and sale of cars -> stimulates :
- The iron and steel industry .
- The glass industry
- The pneumatic industry
- The industry masks
- The sale and distribution of fuel .
- This way of life based on mass consumption and debt is what is known as " American way of live ."
- Economic expansion -> brought a boom in the bag -> a speculative bubble is created.
3.2 . The 1929 crash and the Great Depression .
-10/24/1929 -> black Friday - > starts falling prices .
- The people panic and start selling stocks and shares still fall further .
- Banks fail because :
- The debtor can not pay back.
- Customers will withdraw their money .
- The banking crisis happens in agriculture industry and trade -> great depression originated.
- The Great Depression is characterized by - > a very large drop in consumption , unemployment, poverty...
- Do not use -> therefore no production -> therefore no work -> therefore more unemployment and more misery.
- The crisis spread throughout the world, particularly Western Europe .
- World trade will suffer a major recession .
3.3 . New Deal.
-In 1932 -> Roosevelt wins selections -> Democrat is -> and drives a new program to exit the crisis is the New Deal.
- Top New Deal measures :
- Proposes that the state has to control the banks.
- To create public enterprises
- Destruction of agricultural stocks.
- Plan for public works (roads , railways ..)
- Increase salary.
- Working time 40 hours a week.
- Consequences of the New Deal -> is going to be a decrease in number of unemployed and increased production levels.
- So the balance is positive - > New Deal helps overcome the crisis but still the U.S. economy will not recover fully until the outbreak of the Second World War.
4. Fascism.
4.1 . Features .
- Fascism -> this is auoritario , violent regime .
- Anti-democratic , anti-communist.
- Cons:
- A equality between citizens.
- A national sovereignty.
- A separation of powers .
- A freedom of expression, association , publication ..
- Al suffrage.
- A representative institutions.
- For - > state intervention in all areas of life (public / private ) of people .
- Defense autarky -> is economic self-sufficiency.
- There are charismatic leaders :
- Fürher
- Duce
- Caudillo
- Concentrate on your person all the powers and is head of state, government and military , single party and all around there is always a great scenery .
- They tend to be racists and xenophobes.
- Exalted and chauvinistic nationalism , think their country is the best and should be the first world economic power.
4.2 . Italian Fascism .
- Postwar Italy on one side :
- Economic problems -> increases the cost of living and wages have dropped a lot -> generates poverty and social unrest -> is shown by strikes and land occupations -> will generate concerns among owners.
- Political Issues -> big problem of government instability , constant change in government coalition political system , constitutional monarchy is Victor Emmanuel III .
- In this context of economic crisis and political rise of onset = Italian fascism .
- Benito Mussolini founds the " Fasci di combattimento " (1919).
- Confused ideology , it is a nationalist and populist movement .
- In 1921 creates the National Fascist Party.
- Programme of the match:
- Anti- Communist
- Build a strong state
- Expansionist foreign policy
- Very soon had many members and had the support of the conservatives :
- Employers
- Church
- Army
- Displays fascist squads -> make act of social violence against left, complicity -> Police and court.
- While political crisis -> constant change of government.
- Mussolini starts the " March on Rome " -> Mussolini was appointed prime minister in 1922.
- Between 1922 and 1924 :
- All laws -> on the restriction of freedoms.
- 1923 -> Mussolini made a new law -> who has 25% of votes has 67% of the seats.
- In 1924 the tomb was definitely dictatorship -> murder of Matteotti .
- Dictatorship :
- Eject the parliament all parties were not fascists.
- Outlawing all parties and unions that are not fascists.
- Omnipotent dictator ( Il duce ) is made
- A imprison opponents .
- Newspapers , radio and film -> all censored.
- Local authorities and regions - > chosen by the government among the most faithful members of fascism .
- Go to reconcile with the Catholic Church
- In economics, state control of industry and self-sufficiency goal.
- Partnering -> control all people, censorship of all media and indoctrination of society.
4.3 . German Nazism .
-End of the First World War -> to pay war reparations -> these repairs are very high, also has to pay war debts = will cause this economic crisis , hyperinflation causes depression -> impoverished middle classes poverty and unemployment.
- Politician - > end of the First World War -> ends the II Reich ( empire ) -> born Germany DEMOCRATIC republic known as the Weimar Republic .
- Society - > social unrest :
- For the crisis -> poverty and unemployment
- By the treaty received the victors .
4.3.2 . Hittler .
- Hittler is Austrian , excombatient of the First World War -> not accept defeat and the Treaty of Versailles .
- He joins NSDAP ( Nationalist Party of German Workers) .
- Minority Party
- Racist and xenophobic party.
- Anti-Communist , anti-Semitic , undemocratic.
- Defend violence and war -> natural selection process -> die and the strong survive dim .
- Hittler like Mussolini to create an entire symbology.
- Grey Shirt
- Swastika .
- Create a paramilitary force SA -> Assault section .
- Try a coup is " hit" of Munich -> Fail -> Hittler is arrested and sentenced .
- In prison writes " Meink Kumpf " -> Mein Kampf , where he outlined his ideology.
- Less price on democracy
- I hate communism
- Expresses Semitism -> blames Jews of German evils.
- Superiority of the Aryan race
- Aryan Race must submit to the inferior races .
- " Living Space " -> east of Europe is necessary
- We need to create a great German III Reich empire.
- Hitller the selections presented but gets great results.
- In 1924-1929 - > is relative economic calm.
- From 1929 -> Crack - > crisis in the German economy -> extremist political option will greatly increase the support of the population.
- Speech Hitller :
- Guilt - > Jews , communists and democratic .
- Promises -> work for all and good salary .
- 1932 -> get very good results
- 1933 -> President Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor .
- Causes of exit:
- Support:
- From the middle classes (workers, peasants )
- Bourgeoisie
- Army
- Financing of large fortunes -> Thyssen .
4.3.3 . The Nazi dictatorship .
- Political point :
- 1933 -> Hittler announces new selections.
- During the campaign :
- Grey Shirts - > spread terror .
- Fire Reichstag (parliament ) -> Hittler blame Communists and the excuse for ilegalizarlos to suppress individual freedoms , suppresses legal safeguards and restores the death penalty .
- Hittler but fails to win an absolute majority , but the game launched - > is called Chancellor parliament gives full powers.
- Die Hindenburg -> Hittler president renamed Führer.
- Night of the Long Knives -> doubt the SA and kills more than 300 .
- In a few months establishing a dictatorship.
- Matches outlawed , only one party ( Nazi )
- There is no union , there is only one FTA ( German Labour Front )
- Freedoms abolished
- No parliament
- No separation of power
- The officer is debugged.
- The state controls the public / private lives of all Germans.
- Unitary and centralized state.
- It will be controlled by two police forces :
- SS
- Gestapo.
- Social point:
- Full control of public life / private
- Indoctrination especially young people :
- Education system
- Hitler Youth .
- Women are relieved to cook, the children and the church.
- Thread of racial purity:
- We must ensure Aryan purity , not mixed with inferior races .
- We must protect not play, even if sterilization of the Aryans have mental illnesses ...
- Persecution of Jews -> scapegoat , blamed for every misfortune of the Germans.
- Censorship all levels -> intellectual, artistic , media -> supports only those that are loyal to the regime , persecuted or other leave.
- You can not organize an anti-Nazi opposition.
- Secular regime , the two churches are Catholic and luterantes .
- Economic point:
- Objective -> autarky.
-> That was the weapon - Economic policy , heavy industry was developed.
- Building infrastructure -> public works.
- With this policy Germany becomes the second world power .
4.4 . The project of Hitler.
-Want to create a new international order based on the German rule .
- First step is to build the Third Reich -> are all German-speaking territories .
- Second step , make the living space -> are territories that are inhabited by slaves ( Poland) will have to work for the Aryans.
- Third step , destruction of Judaism and communism.
- The end , the German army rule the world being maximum competitor to USA .
miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013
Imperialism and the First World War.
1. Introduction .
-End of XIX century and early XX - > Europe controls the world -> is what is known as imperialism.
- Imperialism is expansion of a state beyond its borders to dominate other territories that are called colonies and who are exploited by the power that is called a busy metropolis.
- Colonies :
- They're in the brain of the metropolis.
- Politically dependent of the metropolis.
- Metropolis leverages the resources of the colony.
-End of XIX century and early XX - > Europe controls the world -> is what is known as imperialism.
- Imperialism is expansion of a state beyond its borders to dominate other territories that are called colonies and who are exploited by the power that is called a busy metropolis.
- Colonies :
- They're in the brain of the metropolis.
- Politically dependent of the metropolis.
- Metropolis leverages the resources of the colony.
2.Causes .
-Economic Causes -> needs of the metropolis :
- Raw materials .
- Sources of energy.
- New markets .
- Investing capital.
- Demographic causes:
- Overpopulation in Europe -> people have to emigrate -> XIX century in Europe increased the population is known as "big whites " occurs > America but especially in Africa and Asia.
- Political causes :
- Competition between the European powers to take more territory than the other .
- Ideological causes:
- Conviction of racial superiority / white culture and believe they have a duty to civilize the indigenous peoples.
3.Type colonies.
-Three main types:
- Colonies of exploitation -> the metropolis to the colony economically exploited, have no self-government, the territory belongs to the metropolis, the white population is minority and the indigenous population dominates explode mines and plantations of coffee, cacao, sugar.
- Colonies of settlement -> there is an indigenous minority and a majority white population is established, stably set and these territories have some authority in the metropolis.
- Protectorates -> are territories that in theory are independent, have their own government, but actually governs and who the decision maker is the metropolis.
4.The division of the world.
-The major powers will be:
- United Kingdom
- France
- Germany
- Colonized territories:
- Africa
- Asia
- Oceania
4.1 . Africa .
-Territories will suffer most are kind of occupation .
- The settlers will be mostly - > France and Britain.
- Great Britain - > wants to dominate the eastern facade .
- France -> wants to extend its dominance from the north to the south, to no avail.
- French and English will have major clashes .
- Belgium - > occupies the area of the Congo , as well as Germany and Portugal all these powers will clash over control .
- Conflict between the powers -> was continued until the Chancellor Bismark calls the Berlin Conference (1885 ) to establish the conditions to occupy a territory, but despite this agreement conflicts continue to occur .
4.2 . Asia .
-In the nineteenth century -> master :
- United Kingdom
- France
- Netherlands
- Japan
- Conflict between the powers will be constant .
- Great Britain -> dominate central and southern Asia.
- France -> dominates Southeast Asia.
- USA - > dominates Philippines.
- Netherlands -> Java and Sumatra dominates .
4.3 . The new powers USA and Japan.
- USA:
- From the nineteenth century is has imposed the Monroe Doctrine.
- Monroe Doctrine -> is that USA can and must intervene anywhere in the world to defend their interests.
- It will become a colonial power but did not conquer the territories it is called neocolonialism .
- The neo -> is the U.S. interference in the internal affairs of other countries and the submission of the governments of these countries to U.S. interests .
- Japan -> going to conquer Korea and Manchuria.
5.Consequences of imperialism.
- Europe leads to the colonies -> medicines, vaccines , hospitals -> therefore epidemics will drop , also decrease mortality and population colonized territories .
- Economic:
- The interests of the colonizers are imposed .
- Generates a monoculture -> large plantations of a single product .
- There is a minority living well are the colonizers and indigenous majority is cheap labor for the plantations.
- Colonies sell agricultural products that are cheap in the metropolis , buy industrial products that are expensive and this is called unequal trade .
- Social :
- Gone is the traditional tribal society and impose the western model .
- Segregation -> is the physical separation between whites and Indians .
- Cultural :
- The loss of cultural identity of the colonizers.
- The imposing Western culture.
- A religious level also imposed Christianity .
6.The First World War (1914-1919 - The Great War ) .
6.1.Causes .
-Rivalry between the imperialist powers for colonial territories .
- There will be a lot of tension between the relations of France and Germany by:
- Alsace- Lorraine.
- Leaders of European politics .
- Conflict Balkans, taking advantage of the weakness of the Ottoman Empire, Greece , Serbia , Romania , Serbia, became independent of the Ottoman Empire. Austria wants to dominate the region, but do not get absorbed Bosnia. Russia is against the expansion of Austria and Servia supports . Serbia participates in three successive conflicts between neighboring regions and win territory but is not happy about having no outlet to the sea.
- Continuing tensions leading to the powers to an arms race .
- Countries will make :
- Weapons .
- Warships .
- Submarines .
- Create a system of alliances :
- Germany, Austria and Italy created the Triple Alliance.
- Britain, France and Russia created the Triple Entesa .
6.2. The outbreak.
-June 1914 Sarajero (capital of Bosnia) a murder student Franz Ferdinand (heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire). The student is related to Serbian nationalist movements.
- The Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia, then Russia is an ally of Serbia Servia moves to protect. Germany's ally Austria who intervenes to help Austria. France is also involved Russia's ally. Almost all of Europe is at war.
- Bando:
- Central Powers:
- Germany
- Austro-Hungarian Empire
- Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
- Allies:
- United Kingdom
- France
- Russia
- Servia
- Later intervene USA, Japan and Italy.
6.3. Stages of the war .
-1st stage -> 1914 - > Blitzkrieg ( quick war).
- Germany launches simultaneous attacks on the western and eastern front objective is a rapid conquest of France to concentrate attacks on Russia.
- But the allies stop the attack therefore is called -> Battle of Marne ( Eastern Front )
- The front is immobilized .
- 2nd stage -> from 1914 to 1917 - > trench warfare.
- The front is immobilized, exercised no forward or reverse .
- It's trench warfare -> long and hard.
- The two sides had begun the war elated , full of patriotism and convinced that they were right and they would win quickly . Throughout the years the patriotism and euphoria gives way to disappointment and sadness.
- We also have to add that the war also involved in all the colonies of all the belligerent countries what war spans all continents.
- 3rd stage - > from 1917-1919 -> the end of the war .
- From 1917 throughout Europe there are strikes and demonstrations demanding an end to the war.
- Army cam -> means that all men between 20 and 40 years are going to war -> Young male population -> die so soon affects the entire population.
- In the rear the population goes hungry and misery.
- Conclusion -> people want the end of the war .
- Van to enter two events that will hasten the end :
- The inclusion of the United States to war -> the Allied side and two million soldiers bring more weapons .
- Russia leaves the war, and Germany signed armistice based -> Lithuania , Latvia , Estonia , Poland and Ukraine.
- 1918 the Allies launched offensives and defeat the Germans, Austrians, Turks, while in Germany and Austria there are revolutions , the Kiser German and Austro -Hungarian Emperor abdicate and the two governments call for peace .
- In 1919 peace was signed , the winners meet in Versailles -> the base of the hub of all winners is that Germany is responsible and must pay . Sign the Treaty of Versailles - > says that Germany is the culprit, must yield Alsaisa - Lorraine to France , has to give the winners their colonies , must yield coal mines , have to pay indemnisaciones of the war, he seized external goods and will limit the army a hundred thousand men .
-Demographic -> decreases the population at that time is also affected reproductive potential.
- Territorial -> a level territorial empires disappear and new states appear.
- Policies -> disappear the great dynasties and advances democracy.
- Social -> emergence of a new type of independent woman, slowly begin to appear motion to vote and declaring equal rights.
monroe doctrine,
triple Entesa,
world distribution,
world war
martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013
The industrialization of European societies
1. Introduction.
-Nineteenth century Britain -> Industrial Revolution occurs.
-Britain is diffused into Western Europe.
-From the industrial revolution:
-There is a new economic system -> Capitalism.
- There is a new economic doctrine-> economic liberalism.
- There is a new company -> class society -> two classes.
-Owners of means of production are capitalists.
- Those who sell their labor for a wage, are proletarians.
-There is a new form of production -> machines.
- There is new energy sources -> Vapor.
2. Causes of the Industrial Revolution.
2.1. Demographic causes.
-From 1850 -> demographic revolution occurred.
- Vegetative growth = Birth and less mortality.
- Before 1850 vegetative growth down high birth and high mortality.
- From 1850 vegetative growth because high fertility remains very high and the birth rate begins to decrease.
- Causes of the decline of mortality:
-Improvements in medicine.
- Improvements in hygiene.
- Increase food production.
-In addition to lowering mortality increases life expectancy.
2.2. Agricultural revolution.
- Introduction of new farming techniques:
-Step norkfolk triennial rotation system.
- We'll have more food production.
- The population will be better fed.
-New crops -> corn, potatoes, turnip ...
2.3. Other causes.
-In Britain there is no absolutism, no parliamentary monarchy.
- Parliament makes laws for businesses.
- Britain is the first maritime and commercial power.
- Great Britain's commercial freedom.
- Britain's economic freedom.
2.4 . Technological innovations : Machines .
-The machines are progressively replacing manual labor.
- Energy sources for machines :
-First -> human strength.
- Second -> hydropower.
- Third -> Revolution - > steam.
-Greatly increases productivity.
- Increased production .
- Decreased costs.
- Increased production and lower costs :
-Lower the final price -> upload = upload demand benefits.
- Appearance of the factory system -> are machines and workers together in a building called factory where the division of labor occurs, each worker does a specific job.
- First machining industry is cotton :
-Two cotton work :
- Spinning -> machined later -> Mule called Jenny .
- Knit -> is machined first -> The machine is called thrower wheel.
- The other pioneers to be the coal and iron industries.
- Coal -> is the energy source
- Iron -> is the raw material for the machines.
2.5. The transport revolution .
-Railroad -> going to be revolutionary by:
- The amounts so large it can carry.
- Faster .
- Insurance .
- The first railway line was Liverpool- Manchester.
- From here the railway network is built in Europe.
- Major development in the steel industry.
- The railroad carries more things and further and faster -> supposed decrease in costs and thus decreases the price.
-Steamboat :
-You will provide a stimulus for the steel industry .
- You can carry more :
- Quantity .
- Speed .
- Security.
-These inventions will favor long trade.
- Van to enter the market economy -> production is for sale.
- Trade can be:
- Interior.
- Exterior .
- Foreign trade - > there are two economic theories :
- Theory Free Camper -> think that free trade is necessary and also encourages the growth of the economy.
- Theory protectionist -> think you need to defend national industry with import tariffs .
- Internal trade also greatly increased thanks to the improved transportation .
3. Capitalism and liberalism.
-Industrial Revolution :
- New economic model -> Capitalism .
- New economic doctrine -> Liberalism
- Capitalism:
- It is based on private ownership of the means of production .
- Class society .
- Two basic groups of people:
- Production media owners who are entrepreneurs have capital.
- Those without capital they have is their labor and sell it in exchange for a salary , are proletarians .
-Liberalism -> principle of liberalism was formulated by Adam Smith, a book called -> The Wealth of Nations .
- Adam Smith says:
- The state should not intervene in the economy .
- The economy is governed by the law of supply and demand.
- The engine of the economy is the benefit and individual interest of the people .
- In the capitalist system are going to be very important :
- Banks -> raise capital and will act as intermediaries between those who have money and those who need credit.
- Companies increasingly need more capital -> appear SA ( Corporations ) -> The capital is divided into shares and each shareholder owns a share of the profits.
- Actions -> bought or sold on the stock market that bag .
- Expansion of the industrial revolution :
- The first - > Britain.
- Shortly after - > France , Belgium, Germany and Russia.
- Third place -> Japan and USA
- Rest of the European countries .
4.The second industrial revolution.
-Occurs in the late nineteenth century.
- The leading powers -> Germany , USA and Japan
- Characteristics of the second industrial revolution :
- New energy sources :
- Electricity - > clean, cheap and easy to carry .
- Oil - > cheap.
- New inventions such as:
- Combustion engine .
- The tire .
- Bulb.
- Tramway .
- Cinematograph .
- Radio .
- New industries :
- Chemicals - > Pharmaceutical products , fertilizers, pesticides ...
- Food -> packaged products.
- Metal -> stainless steel and aluminum .
- Automobile - > Henry Ford -> Ford creates the T - > first utility .
- New industrial organization :
- Mass production :
- Upload productivity.
- Lower manufacturing time .
- Increases production .
- Decreases the cost -
- Results of this -> low price and benefits the employer up .
- Chain Manufacturing -> each worker takes a part of the process , eliminate unnecessary movements , displacements and the need to think , is called Taylorism -> dramatic increase in productivity.
- Industrial Concentration -> 4 major types:
- Cartel -> is an agreement between companies in the same industry to not have competition.
- Trutat -> is the union of several companies in the same industry to not have competition.
- Holding - > is a company that controls different companies different economic activity.
- Monopoly -> a company that controls an exclusive product and imposes price .
5.Industrial society , class society .
-Before the revolution -> stratified society .
- From the Revolution - > class society -> Bourgeoisie and Proletariat .
- Bourgeois -> owners of the means of production.
- Proletariat -> sells the workforce in exchange for a wage.
- Bourgeoisie :
- Can be :
- Large - > bankers.
- Media - > professions.
- Small - > employees.
- The bourgeoisie will be the most important social group , the proletariat will imitate life forms , the bourgeoisie lives comfortably .
- Proletariat :
- Are most of the population.
- They work in factories.
- Living -> work between 14-16 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Do not have health insurance.
- No unemployment , no subsidy, no casualties.
- They have no severance pay.
- Dismissal free .
- Salary poor .
- There is no minimum age to start working normally at age 7 .
- Women and children are paid less .
- There is no regular law governing their working conditions .
- Factories are dark, damp places, unventilated -> posts are insoluble therefore will be the focus of disease.
- Life expectancy approximately 30 years.
- They live crowded without basic services.
6. Labor movements .
-The labor movement began in the nineteenth century.
- First labor unions were mutual aid - > to give financial assistance in case of death , sickness or unemployment
- At the same time appears a movement called -> Luddism -> is that workers blame the machines for the situation and destroy -> when the employee realizes that the fault of the employer 's motion disappears .
- From the 1830s the first unions appears -> workers already have class consciousness -> realize they have the same problems , have common goals and should fight together.
- Objectives of unions are:
- Improve living conditions -> less hours and more pay.
- Improving working conditions -> no child labor and health and safety .
-Marxism -> a half of the nineteenth century appears this social movement.
- Ideologue :
- Marx.
- Engels.
- Works:
- EL capital.
- Communist Manifesto .
- Ideological principles:
- Marx studied history and concludes that throughout history there have been three companies, slave , feudal , capitalist , always going to be the oppressed and the oppressors will always be enfrontados and that is the class struggle that Marx says that this struggle is the motor of history .
- Now there's capitalist system -> where overproduction crisis periodically occur -> capital is increasingly concentrated in fewer hands , so that the rich are getting richer and fewer and fewer and the poor are poorer and more quantity .
- Future - > Marx says that crises of overproduction are growing , so there will be fewer but will be very rich richer and the poor poorer and have more time.
- Solution for Marx -> is the revolution of the proletariat -> the proletariat to seize power and property socialize and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat is the abolition of private ownership of the means of production which passed into the hands of the state and the state is very strong and controls everything , and the next step is to Marx 's communist society , at this stage there is an egalitarian society without social classes and the state disappears.
- In the late nineteenth century born socialist labor parties across Europe.
- Ideological principles:
- Proletarian revolution.
- Intervene in elections and participating in political life - > to be in parliament and make laws as:
- Improving working conditions .
- Lower the workday.
- Abolish child labor .
- Increase of salary.
- Anarchism
- Ideologue :
- Bakunin.
- Proudhon.
- Principles :
- The most important is individual freedom , but within the collective solidarity.
- They are against hierarchical institutions ( church , state and exercised ) .
- They are against private property , they defend the commons.
- It is against class society , they want an egalitarian society.
- Ideal for them Company is a stateless society , or classes or private property where there are communities that manage themselves .
- Internationalism :
- In 1864 in London the IWA (International Workers Association ) is created.
- Associations workers worldwide -> unionists , Marxists and anarchists.
- Objective -> join efforts , take action together to improve the living conditions of workers.
- They ask :
- First day of 10 hours, then 8 hours.
- A day of rest a week.
- Proibición child labor.
- Improving working conditions .
- The first international ( I) eventually disappeared by divergence of anarchists and Marxists and shortly after the Second International (II ) where only socialists created.
-Nineteenth century Britain -> Industrial Revolution occurs.
-Britain is diffused into Western Europe.
-From the industrial revolution:
-There is a new economic system -> Capitalism.
- There is a new economic doctrine-> economic liberalism.
- There is a new company -> class society -> two classes.
-Owners of means of production are capitalists.
- Those who sell their labor for a wage, are proletarians.
-There is a new form of production -> machines.
- There is new energy sources -> Vapor.
2. Causes of the Industrial Revolution.
2.1. Demographic causes.
-From 1850 -> demographic revolution occurred.
- Vegetative growth = Birth and less mortality.
- Before 1850 vegetative growth down high birth and high mortality.
- From 1850 vegetative growth because high fertility remains very high and the birth rate begins to decrease.
- Causes of the decline of mortality:
-Improvements in medicine.
- Improvements in hygiene.
- Increase food production.
-In addition to lowering mortality increases life expectancy.
2.2. Agricultural revolution.
- Introduction of new farming techniques:
-Step norkfolk triennial rotation system.
- We'll have more food production.
- The population will be better fed.
-New crops -> corn, potatoes, turnip ...
2.3. Other causes.
-In Britain there is no absolutism, no parliamentary monarchy.
- Parliament makes laws for businesses.
- Britain is the first maritime and commercial power.
- Great Britain's commercial freedom.
- Britain's economic freedom.
2.4 . Technological innovations : Machines .
-The machines are progressively replacing manual labor.
- Energy sources for machines :
-First -> human strength.
- Second -> hydropower.
- Third -> Revolution - > steam.
-Greatly increases productivity.
- Increased production .
- Decreased costs.
- Increased production and lower costs :
-Lower the final price -> upload = upload demand benefits.
- Appearance of the factory system -> are machines and workers together in a building called factory where the division of labor occurs, each worker does a specific job.
- First machining industry is cotton :
-Two cotton work :
- Spinning -> machined later -> Mule called Jenny .
- Knit -> is machined first -> The machine is called thrower wheel.
- The other pioneers to be the coal and iron industries.
- Coal -> is the energy source
- Iron -> is the raw material for the machines.
2.5. The transport revolution .
-Railroad -> going to be revolutionary by:
- The amounts so large it can carry.
- Faster .
- Insurance .
- The first railway line was Liverpool- Manchester.
- From here the railway network is built in Europe.
- Major development in the steel industry.
- The railroad carries more things and further and faster -> supposed decrease in costs and thus decreases the price.
-Steamboat :
-You will provide a stimulus for the steel industry .
- You can carry more :
- Quantity .
- Speed .
- Security.
-These inventions will favor long trade.
- Van to enter the market economy -> production is for sale.
- Trade can be:
- Interior.
- Exterior .
- Foreign trade - > there are two economic theories :
- Theory Free Camper -> think that free trade is necessary and also encourages the growth of the economy.
- Theory protectionist -> think you need to defend national industry with import tariffs .
- Internal trade also greatly increased thanks to the improved transportation .
3. Capitalism and liberalism.
-Industrial Revolution :
- New economic model -> Capitalism .
- New economic doctrine -> Liberalism
- Capitalism:
- It is based on private ownership of the means of production .
- Class society .
- Two basic groups of people:
- Production media owners who are entrepreneurs have capital.
- Those without capital they have is their labor and sell it in exchange for a salary , are proletarians .
-Liberalism -> principle of liberalism was formulated by Adam Smith, a book called -> The Wealth of Nations .
- Adam Smith says:
- The state should not intervene in the economy .
- The economy is governed by the law of supply and demand.
- The engine of the economy is the benefit and individual interest of the people .
- In the capitalist system are going to be very important :
- Banks -> raise capital and will act as intermediaries between those who have money and those who need credit.
- Companies increasingly need more capital -> appear SA ( Corporations ) -> The capital is divided into shares and each shareholder owns a share of the profits.
- Actions -> bought or sold on the stock market that bag .
- Expansion of the industrial revolution :
- The first - > Britain.
- Shortly after - > France , Belgium, Germany and Russia.
- Third place -> Japan and USA
- Rest of the European countries .
4.The second industrial revolution.
-Occurs in the late nineteenth century.
- The leading powers -> Germany , USA and Japan
- Characteristics of the second industrial revolution :
- New energy sources :
- Electricity - > clean, cheap and easy to carry .
- Oil - > cheap.
- New inventions such as:
- Combustion engine .
- The tire .
- Bulb.
- Tramway .
- Cinematograph .
- Radio .
- New industries :
- Chemicals - > Pharmaceutical products , fertilizers, pesticides ...
- Food -> packaged products.
- Metal -> stainless steel and aluminum .
- Automobile - > Henry Ford -> Ford creates the T - > first utility .
- New industrial organization :
- Mass production :
- Upload productivity.
- Lower manufacturing time .
- Increases production .
- Decreases the cost -
- Results of this -> low price and benefits the employer up .
- Chain Manufacturing -> each worker takes a part of the process , eliminate unnecessary movements , displacements and the need to think , is called Taylorism -> dramatic increase in productivity.
- Industrial Concentration -> 4 major types:
- Cartel -> is an agreement between companies in the same industry to not have competition.
- Trutat -> is the union of several companies in the same industry to not have competition.
- Holding - > is a company that controls different companies different economic activity.
- Monopoly -> a company that controls an exclusive product and imposes price .
5.Industrial society , class society .
-Before the revolution -> stratified society .
- From the Revolution - > class society -> Bourgeoisie and Proletariat .
- Bourgeois -> owners of the means of production.
- Proletariat -> sells the workforce in exchange for a wage.
- Bourgeoisie :
- Can be :
- Large - > bankers.
- Media - > professions.
- Small - > employees.
- The bourgeoisie will be the most important social group , the proletariat will imitate life forms , the bourgeoisie lives comfortably .
- Proletariat :
- Are most of the population.
- They work in factories.
- Living -> work between 14-16 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Do not have health insurance.
- No unemployment , no subsidy, no casualties.
- They have no severance pay.
- Dismissal free .
- Salary poor .
- There is no minimum age to start working normally at age 7 .
- Women and children are paid less .
- There is no regular law governing their working conditions .
- Factories are dark, damp places, unventilated -> posts are insoluble therefore will be the focus of disease.
- Life expectancy approximately 30 years.
- They live crowded without basic services.
6. Labor movements .
-The labor movement began in the nineteenth century.
- First labor unions were mutual aid - > to give financial assistance in case of death , sickness or unemployment
- At the same time appears a movement called -> Luddism -> is that workers blame the machines for the situation and destroy -> when the employee realizes that the fault of the employer 's motion disappears .
- From the 1830s the first unions appears -> workers already have class consciousness -> realize they have the same problems , have common goals and should fight together.
- Objectives of unions are:
- Improve living conditions -> less hours and more pay.
- Improving working conditions -> no child labor and health and safety .
-Marxism -> a half of the nineteenth century appears this social movement.
- Ideologue :
- Marx.
- Engels.
- Works:
- EL capital.
- Communist Manifesto .
- Ideological principles:
- Marx studied history and concludes that throughout history there have been three companies, slave , feudal , capitalist , always going to be the oppressed and the oppressors will always be enfrontados and that is the class struggle that Marx says that this struggle is the motor of history .
- Now there's capitalist system -> where overproduction crisis periodically occur -> capital is increasingly concentrated in fewer hands , so that the rich are getting richer and fewer and fewer and the poor are poorer and more quantity .
- Future - > Marx says that crises of overproduction are growing , so there will be fewer but will be very rich richer and the poor poorer and have more time.
- Solution for Marx -> is the revolution of the proletariat -> the proletariat to seize power and property socialize and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat is the abolition of private ownership of the means of production which passed into the hands of the state and the state is very strong and controls everything , and the next step is to Marx 's communist society , at this stage there is an egalitarian society without social classes and the state disappears.
- In the late nineteenth century born socialist labor parties across Europe.
- Ideological principles:
- Proletarian revolution.
- Intervene in elections and participating in political life - > to be in parliament and make laws as:
- Improving working conditions .
- Lower the workday.
- Abolish child labor .
- Increase of salary.
- Anarchism
- Ideologue :
- Bakunin.
- Proudhon.
- Principles :
- The most important is individual freedom , but within the collective solidarity.
- They are against hierarchical institutions ( church , state and exercised ) .
- They are against private property , they defend the commons.
- It is against class society , they want an egalitarian society.
- Ideal for them Company is a stateless society , or classes or private property where there are communities that manage themselves .
- Internationalism :
- In 1864 in London the IWA (International Workers Association ) is created.
- Associations workers worldwide -> unionists , Marxists and anarchists.
- Objective -> join efforts , take action together to improve the living conditions of workers.
- They ask :
- First day of 10 hours, then 8 hours.
- A day of rest a week.
- Proibición child labor.
- Improving working conditions .
- The first international ( I) eventually disappeared by divergence of anarchists and Marxists and shortly after the Second International (II ) where only socialists created.
a corporation,
industrial revolution,
machinery Marxism,
revolution d transportation,
lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013
Liberalism and Nationalism
1. The French Revolution.
1.1. Causes.
-Economics -> general crisis.
- Subsistence Crisis -> crop -> increases the price of commodities -> people starve.
-Financial Crisis:
-What's wrong court management.
-For the cost of the war against Britain.
-For the cost of support to the U.S.A war of independence.
-Ministers of Louis XVI want the privileged pay taxes.
-Social-> malaise.
-The privileged-> not want to pay taxes.
-Bourgeois-> have economic power, have no political power.
-The village-> impoverished and hungry.
-Ideological-> dissemination of the political principles of the Enlightenment.
-All these causes lead to the outbreak of the French Revolution.
1.2 . Stages.
-1st stage : the Estates General and the National Assembly.
-Louis XVI convened the Estates-General to pay tax privileged.
-3 ( bourgeois ) requires personal vote .
-King and the privileged do not accept.
-3 leaves and becomes national assembly.
-They call the people and this is the July 14, 1789 making the hem -> the people weapon.
-King acknowledges the National Assembly and the privileged orders combined.
-National Assembly prepares tasks:
-France is a constitutional and parliamentary monarchy.
-Abolish feudalism and manorial rights.
-Approves the Bill of Rights of Man and Citizen .
-Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen :
-Equality before the law.
-Right to liberty and property .
-National Sovereignty.
-Everyone can access public office.
-Freedom of expression.
-Religious freedom .
-Everyone has to pay taxes.
-Constitution must ensure two things :
-Separation of powers.
-Rights of Persons Property ( liberty and equality )
-They make 1791 the first French constitution .
-Separation of powers:
-Legislative -> National Assembly.
-Executive -> king.
-Judicial -> courts.
-Censatario Suffrage .
-Separation of church / state.
-Acknowledges all individual freedoms.
-Strong tensions :
-Monarchy and nobility conspire revolution.
-People ask for more reforms.
-King is caught fleeing to Austria - > stopped - > France declares war on Austria.
-People keep asking more -> popular revolt -> assault the royal palace.
-2nd stage: democratic republic.
-Assault the royal palace -> Abolition of the Monarchy -> Republic proclamation .
-Government formed by Girondins ( moderate Republicans ) -> sent by Danton.
-Trial of Louis XVI and Antoinette M ° -> just guillotined -> European monarchies declare war on France.
-Interior of France > counterrevolutionary riots .
-There is instability -> fall of the Girondins -> arrested and guillotined -> Power goes to Jacovins .
-Jacovins ( Radical Republicans ) -> ordered by Robespierre
-Anyone suspected of being counter was arrested and guillotined.
-Coup bourgeois and falling Jacovins.
-3rd stage: bourgeois republic .
-Mastery of the conservative bourgeoisie .
-Attempt to return in early 1791.
-A new constitution > 1791 :
-Suffrage lessee.
-Division of powers:
-Executive -> managers (5 persons ) .
-Legislative -> two cameras :
-Council of 500.
-Council of elders.
-Judicial -> courts.
-Opposition :
- Small bourgeoisie.
-Causes social crisis.
-Economic Crisis by a steady rise in commodity prices .
-War of European absolute powers.
-All this causes increased prestige of the army -> produce the coup of Napoleon Bonaparte.
2.Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte.
-1799 - > Getting the consulate.
-Napoleon gradually assumed all the power and in 1804 was crowned emperor.
-Authoritarian government .
-Main measures:
-Domestic Policy -> all centralizing measures were :
-Create a national education system .
-Unify the legislation.
- Reform the entire administration .
-Foreign policy :
-Wants a European continental empire dominated by France and governed by it -> policy expansively.
-Get dominate most of Europe except Great Britain and Russia.
-In the territories it dominates :
-Put a relative or trusted by the king .
-Imposes revolutionary ideas.
-Remove feudalism.
-Imposes freedom and equality.
-Act as French invaders and the people rejected.
-1808 -> Spanish uprising against the French.
-1812 -> Russia Catástofe cold.
-1815 - > Defeat and death of Napoleon at St. Helena.
3.A Europe begins restoration.
-Attempted everything is like in 1789.
-European Powers who beat Napoleon meet at the Congress of Vienna (1815).
-Congress of Vienna:
-Reforming the European map.
-Austria, Russia, Prussia, France (absolutist powers) create -> Holy Alliance -> Pact military aid to prevent any liberal revolution in Europe.
-Opposition to the restoration will be:
-People are not all subjects are citizens and have equal rights and duties.
-The sovereignty belongs to the people.
-Everyone has the right to property and freedom.
- Political ideology.
-A town that shares the language, history, traditions ...
-They want to match nation and state.
4.Liberal revolutions .
4.1 . Revolutions of 1820-1823 .
-Revolutionary Wave much of Europe.
-In some countries establishing liberal regimes .
-At the end becomes absolutism.
4.2 . Second revolutionary wave of 1830.
-Movements in Western and Central Europe.
-Where winning end of absolutism and impose a conservative liberal government.
-Conservative Liberal Government :
-Domain of the big bourgeoisie
- Go to marginalize the petty bourgeoisie and the working classes.
-Will want censatario suffrage.
-Individual liberties will be restricted
4.3 . The Spring of Nations 1848.
-1848 rpm -> first appears :
-Democratic Ideals ask :
-Universal suffrage .
- Social Equality.
-Work Improvement .
-Most revolutions fail and a second restoration of absolutism very smoothing occurs .
5. Unification of Italy and Germany.
5.1 . Italy .
-XIX century in Italy there are 6 independent states :
-Kingdom of the Two Sicilies -> two Bourbons in charge.
- Papal State -> occupied by the papacy.
- Lombardy and Veneto -> dominated by the Austrian Empire.
- Tuscany -> is a Duchy .
- Piedmont - > no liberal and parliamentary monarchy.
-Italian Village has the desire for unity .
- Bought language and culture -> favorable to unification.
- Unification process will be led by Piedmont:
-Victor Manuel Rey Savoy
-Prime Minister Cavour
-1859 - > Piedmont declared war on Austria in Lombardy.
- Make Piedmont and annexed Minorca .
- 1860-1861 :
-A central -> ducats peblicits -> and annexed Minorca .
- While Garibaldi ( revolutionary leader) and his volunteers called Red Shirts landed in the kingdom of the Two Sicilies -> demolish the Bourbons and dejanel territory in Piedmont.
-861 -> the first Italian parliament meets -> proclaimed king Victor Manuel Savoy.
- 1866 -> The Austrians abandoned this Veneto and was annexed to Italy.
- 1870 -> papacy does not recognize the annexation and starts a conflict that lasted until the early twentieth century - > Italy annexed the Papal States .
- Thus was born a liberal monarchy -> with the name of Italy.
5.2. Germany.
-36 independent states.
- Indicative unit because they share language and culture.
- Process led by Prussia -> liberal monarchy led by Wilhelm II and Chancellor Bismarck Van.
- Like A unification in Italy was at war basse.
- 1834 -> A customs union is created -> Zollverein
- Thus was born Germany.
1.1. Causes.
-Economics -> general crisis.
- Subsistence Crisis -> crop -> increases the price of commodities -> people starve.
-Financial Crisis:
-What's wrong court management.
-For the cost of the war against Britain.
-For the cost of support to the U.S.A war of independence.
-Ministers of Louis XVI want the privileged pay taxes.
-Social-> malaise.
-The privileged-> not want to pay taxes.
-Bourgeois-> have economic power, have no political power.
-The village-> impoverished and hungry.
-Ideological-> dissemination of the political principles of the Enlightenment.
-All these causes lead to the outbreak of the French Revolution.
1.2 . Stages.
-1st stage : the Estates General and the National Assembly.
-Louis XVI convened the Estates-General to pay tax privileged.
-3 ( bourgeois ) requires personal vote .
-King and the privileged do not accept.
-3 leaves and becomes national assembly.
-They call the people and this is the July 14, 1789 making the hem -> the people weapon.
-King acknowledges the National Assembly and the privileged orders combined.
-National Assembly prepares tasks:
-France is a constitutional and parliamentary monarchy.
-Abolish feudalism and manorial rights.
-Approves the Bill of Rights of Man and Citizen .
-Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen :
-Equality before the law.
-Right to liberty and property .
-National Sovereignty.
-Everyone can access public office.
-Freedom of expression.
-Religious freedom .
-Everyone has to pay taxes.
-Constitution must ensure two things :
-Separation of powers.
-Rights of Persons Property ( liberty and equality )
-They make 1791 the first French constitution .
-Separation of powers:
-Legislative -> National Assembly.
-Executive -> king.
-Judicial -> courts.
-Censatario Suffrage .
-Separation of church / state.
-Acknowledges all individual freedoms.
-Strong tensions :
-Monarchy and nobility conspire revolution.
-People ask for more reforms.
-King is caught fleeing to Austria - > stopped - > France declares war on Austria.
-People keep asking more -> popular revolt -> assault the royal palace.
-2nd stage: democratic republic.
-Assault the royal palace -> Abolition of the Monarchy -> Republic proclamation .
-Government formed by Girondins ( moderate Republicans ) -> sent by Danton.
-Trial of Louis XVI and Antoinette M ° -> just guillotined -> European monarchies declare war on France.
-Interior of France > counterrevolutionary riots .
-There is instability -> fall of the Girondins -> arrested and guillotined -> Power goes to Jacovins .
-Jacovins ( Radical Republicans ) -> ordered by Robespierre
-Anyone suspected of being counter was arrested and guillotined.
-Coup bourgeois and falling Jacovins.
-3rd stage: bourgeois republic .
-Mastery of the conservative bourgeoisie .
-Attempt to return in early 1791.
-A new constitution > 1791 :
-Suffrage lessee.
-Division of powers:
-Executive -> managers (5 persons ) .
-Legislative -> two cameras :
-Council of 500.
-Council of elders.
-Judicial -> courts.
-Opposition :
- Small bourgeoisie.
-Causes social crisis.
-Economic Crisis by a steady rise in commodity prices .
-War of European absolute powers.
-All this causes increased prestige of the army -> produce the coup of Napoleon Bonaparte.
2.Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte.
-1799 - > Getting the consulate.
-Napoleon gradually assumed all the power and in 1804 was crowned emperor.
-Authoritarian government .
-Main measures:
-Domestic Policy -> all centralizing measures were :
-Create a national education system .
-Unify the legislation.
- Reform the entire administration .
-Foreign policy :
-Wants a European continental empire dominated by France and governed by it -> policy expansively.
-Get dominate most of Europe except Great Britain and Russia.
-In the territories it dominates :
-Put a relative or trusted by the king .
-Imposes revolutionary ideas.
-Remove feudalism.
-Imposes freedom and equality.
-Act as French invaders and the people rejected.
-1808 -> Spanish uprising against the French.
-1812 -> Russia Catástofe cold.
-1815 - > Defeat and death of Napoleon at St. Helena.
3.A Europe begins restoration.
-Attempted everything is like in 1789.
-European Powers who beat Napoleon meet at the Congress of Vienna (1815).
-Congress of Vienna:
-Reforming the European map.
-Austria, Russia, Prussia, France (absolutist powers) create -> Holy Alliance -> Pact military aid to prevent any liberal revolution in Europe.
-Opposition to the restoration will be:
-People are not all subjects are citizens and have equal rights and duties.
-The sovereignty belongs to the people.
-Everyone has the right to property and freedom.
- Political ideology.
-A town that shares the language, history, traditions ...
-They want to match nation and state.
4.Liberal revolutions .
4.1 . Revolutions of 1820-1823 .
-Revolutionary Wave much of Europe.
-In some countries establishing liberal regimes .
-At the end becomes absolutism.
4.2 . Second revolutionary wave of 1830.
-Movements in Western and Central Europe.
-Where winning end of absolutism and impose a conservative liberal government.
-Conservative Liberal Government :
-Domain of the big bourgeoisie
- Go to marginalize the petty bourgeoisie and the working classes.
-Will want censatario suffrage.
-Individual liberties will be restricted
4.3 . The Spring of Nations 1848.
-1848 rpm -> first appears :
-Democratic Ideals ask :
-Universal suffrage .
- Social Equality.
-Work Improvement .
-Most revolutions fail and a second restoration of absolutism very smoothing occurs .
5. Unification of Italy and Germany.
5.1 . Italy .
-XIX century in Italy there are 6 independent states :
-Kingdom of the Two Sicilies -> two Bourbons in charge.
- Papal State -> occupied by the papacy.
- Lombardy and Veneto -> dominated by the Austrian Empire.
- Tuscany -> is a Duchy .
- Piedmont - > no liberal and parliamentary monarchy.
-Italian Village has the desire for unity .
- Bought language and culture -> favorable to unification.
- Unification process will be led by Piedmont:
-Victor Manuel Rey Savoy
-Prime Minister Cavour
-1859 - > Piedmont declared war on Austria in Lombardy.
- Make Piedmont and annexed Minorca .
- 1860-1861 :
-A central -> ducats peblicits -> and annexed Minorca .
- While Garibaldi ( revolutionary leader) and his volunteers called Red Shirts landed in the kingdom of the Two Sicilies -> demolish the Bourbons and dejanel territory in Piedmont.
-861 -> the first Italian parliament meets -> proclaimed king Victor Manuel Savoy.
- 1866 -> The Austrians abandoned this Veneto and was annexed to Italy.
- 1870 -> papacy does not recognize the annexation and starts a conflict that lasted until the early twentieth century - > Italy annexed the Papal States .
- Thus was born a liberal monarchy -> with the name of Italy.
5.2. Germany.
-36 independent states.
- Indicative unit because they share language and culture.
- Process led by Prussia -> liberal monarchy led by Wilhelm II and Chancellor Bismarck Van.
- Like A unification in Italy was at war basse.
- 1834 -> A customs union is created -> Zollverein
- Thus was born Germany.
bill rights,
constitutional monarchy,
french revolution,
National Assembly and constitution,
national sobiranía,
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